They requested a very large sheet cake, but I recommended two smaller sheets so they could have different flavors and because it's so much harder to transport a very large and heavy cake. They also requested that the cake match the theme of baby Sydney's nursery-- Safari.
I was thrilled to finally do a proper safari-themed cake! Anyone who has ever been to my house can attest to my love of animal prints. Only my daughters' rooms and one of our bathrooms have escaped being animal-ized. I studied alot of safari baby bedding and accessories and toys to get ideas for the cake. What fun research! I kind of wished I still had a baby in the house so she could have such a cool nursery!
Here are the cakes, one chocolate and one vanilla:
I think they turned out really cute! I freehanded all the animals, which was rather unusual for me. I normally would have done an image transfer to get the shapes exactly identical.
Thalia's teacher, who ordered the cakes, said that the cakes were a hit with the new Mom as well as the guests, and that one particular teacher who never eats cake was seen leaving the party with a plateful of cake to take home! I was so pleased.