(Texas cake, Fall 2003; photo has been swiped by others and has appeared on other sites!)
THANK YOU, Sweetest Whimsy customers & fans, for helping to make the Texas Baker's Bill (Cottage Food Bill) a LAW in the state of Texas! I appreciate each and every one of you who took time to call or email your state representatives and Senators as well as the Lt. Governor and Governor these past few weeks in support of our law. What a difference this will make in the lives of many Texans!
Thank you too for putting up with my daily (or hourly) tweets, Facebook posts and email pleas for your help! The Governor's office reported having quite a bit of interest and calls regarding this bill, so thanks all you cake-loving folks out there.
What does this mean for Sweetest Whimsy? I can now run ads and promote my business in this state. I will continue to teach others about my passion for decorating cakes and other sugar art techniques. I will continue to do what I love to do, which is creating custom cakes for my family, friends and friends of friends and their friends!